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How you can benefit from Colour Analysis

Wearing the right colours will:

Ensure you always look your best

Increase your confidence at work and play - because you know you look good and are wearing the right colours for the occasion.

Help your complexion look its best - the right colours work to enhance your skin tone, you will feel younger and healthier.

Knowing your colours will:

Make shopping quicker and easier - you will only look at clothes in your colour palette

Ensure you do not make any more expensive colour mistakes - because you will only buy clothes in your palette

Help you to chose the right colour for the occasion - you will know which colours make you more approachable. More authoritative and which give you the "wow" factor.
  • Colour Analysis sessions are conducted in the comfort of your own home or office. For best results they need to be conducted in natural daylight. Weekends appointments are available.
  • A colour swatch is included which will help you when clothes shopping.
  • Now you know your colours we can help you sort out your wardrobe and analyse your style for a truly perfect look.


Tops & Outerwear:
How To Wear Novelty T Shirts

Skirts & Dresses:
How To Choose A Bohemian Dress
Make-up Advice

"Men become much more attractive when they start looking older. But it doesn't do much for women, though we do have an advantage: make-up."

Bette Davis - American actress (1908 - 1989)

Do you need help on both day and night make-up?

It is essential you use the correct make up colours for your skin tones.

We will show you how to enhance your features and help your complexion look more radiant.

For best results it is recommended to add on to a colour analysis session in order to find the correct colours for you.
  • Make-up sessions start from £150 and take approximately 1 - 1.5hrs in the comfort of your own home or office. Weekend appointments are available.

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